A peculiar tingle in an arm or leg. A sensation so slight and seemingly innocent, it almost goes unnoticed. But for 5,000 people each year in the United States, it is the tipping of an hourglass and the beginning of a journey down a haunting and unforgiving road marked by just three letters: ALS. For successful entrepreneur and family man John Paine, his 15-year battle with ALS has taken away the use of his arms and legs, and made even a simple conversation difficult. But even in the midst of the painful physical deterioration of ALS, John discovered a transformation far more important. This is the story of John Paine’s indomitable spirit of survival as a testament that ALS can never take away your walk with God.
Fotolanthropy, in conjunction with Four Story Creative, is excited to introduce our newest documentary The Luckiest Man. Featuring interviews from John Paine, his family, friends and health care professionals, this inspiring film tells the story of John’s battle against ALS and his desire to use his struggle to help others.
Fotolanthropy met John Paine in 2012 and was quickly blown away by his incredible perspective on how ALS has affected his life – for the better. It has been such a privilege for our team to get to know the Paine family and we can’t wait to share their story with you. We’ve also had the opportunity to learn more about this devastating disease that affects those both young and old, and get a glimpse into the amazing community across the globe racing for a cure.
The Luckiest Man will make its official red carpet premiere at the Angelika Film Center in Dallas, Texas on October 22, 2015. Tickets for this inspiring and memorable evening are ON SALE! Purchase your tickets today to attend this memorable night!
To learn more about the film and other ways you can get involved, visit: www.fotolanthropy.com/luckiestmanfilm.