April Fuel Day: 5 ways to get re-energized when you feel like you're running on empty

We decided instead of tricking you this April Fool’s Day, we’d treat you with a little encouragement, or as we’re calling it: April Fuel Day, 5 ways to get re-energized when you feel like you're running on empty.

April Fuel Day | FOTO Blog

Now that it’s April, the newness of 2016 with all it’s goals and fresh energy has started to wear off. It’s easy to coast through the spring from event to event drained and overworked, but it’s not mandatory. Below, are five ways we want to encourage you to spring out of that first quarter slump and get re-energized and back on track towards those 2016 goals and resolutions that seem like distant memories.

Be intentional with your time

1. Be intentional with your time.

Time is a precious resource of which we must be good stewards. In order inhibit time from controlling you (and make you feel like you’re running against the clock), you have to be intentional with it. Sit down with your planner each week and adjust your schedule so that you are in control, making time for things/people that are important to you alongside those things you have to do.

Limit Complaints

2. Limit complaints.

Attitude can be a game-changer. Complaining in and of itself is a huge time-waster and general energy-downer. While it might feel good for a moment to blow off some steam to a friend or co-worker, it can turn into a destructive habit that keeps you from being productive, solving problems and using your time for positive outcomes. Approach life with a “glass half-full” kind of attitude and see how much energy and time that opens up to you.

Be reflective and thankful

3. Be reflective and thankful.

In other words, stop to smell the roses. One of the easiest ways to let time get away from you is by not living in the moment, so take a breather every now and then to take stock in all the good that’s in your life. If you’re so busy at work you want to scream, take the 20 minute car ride home to really reflect on how great business is and how fortunate you are to have the job you have, etc. Unfortunately, it’s often easier to see negatives in the moment, and the positives usually don’t hit us until we are looking at it from hindsight. We must actively choose to reflect and be thankful or we’ll miss out on all the joy that surrounds us here and now.

Practice generosity

4. Practice generosity.

One of the quickest fixes to re-energizing is to be generous. It’s funny to think that we get so drained by feeling like we are constantly being taken from and needed, but giving on purpose is such a powerful energy-booster. So flip the script on life and live generously! Volunteer constantly, give abundantly, and serve wholeheartedly—you will be amazed at the joy you will receive by choosing to give.

Note: If you are a photographer or filmmaker looking for a way to serve, check out Fotolanthropy's Fotocrew! They are always looking for talented artists to join their group in telling powerful and inspiring true stories of people facing adversity.

Have grace

5. Have grace.

This is the most important re-energizer. Have grace toward others and have grace toward yourself. We all get caught up and lose track of time, we all complain too much, and we all forget to be thankful and generous. We are humans. When we fall short of our goals, or lose track on our dreams we must be willing to forgive ourselves and allow ourselves a second stab at it. This giving and receiving of forgiveness is the best kind of life-giver, and must be a constant heartbeat in the way we do business, the way we raise our families and the way we treat ourselves.

Let's sprinkle our Spring hustle with intentionality, positivity, thankfulness, generosity and grace; using all this new-found time and energy to make a difference in this world!

Happy April Fuel Day!

-the FOTO team


Related: Fotolanthropy, FOTO, Holiday, Tips

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